Imagine One provides test and evaluation (T&E) services for large ACAT programs, FMS cases and smaller software development projects. Utilizing automated tools, manual verification methods, and service oriented architecture (SOA) testing methodologies, our T&E professionals have a history of innovation. Our test innovations increase efficiency, accuracy, and greatly reduce escaped defects, ultimately minimizing the financial impact within the complete development testing and evaluation (DT&E) lifecycle.
Imagine One provided T&E support to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics on the Acquisition Visibility Core Services program. The AVCS program provides DoD decision makers with authoritative program data accessed on-demand via an integrated SOA web service portal.
Imagine One provided T&E services to the USMC Tactical Network (TACNET) family of systems, including Data Distribution System-Modular (DDS-M), Digital Technical Control (DTC), Joint Enhanced Core Communication System (JECCS), and Transfer Switch Module (TSM).
Imagine One provides T&E services to the SSC Atlantic Enterprise Engineering and Certification (E2C) Virtual Hosting Environment (VHE) Integrated Product Team (IPT). We provide end-to-end engineering support and SOA T&E expertise in the RDT&E NIPR and SIPR enclaves for ACAT-level programs of record, such as Global Command and Control System-Maritime (GCCS-M), Automated Digital Network System (ADNS), Integrated Shipboard Network System (ISNS), Distributed Common Ground System-Navy (DCGS-N), Fleet Network Operations Center (FLTNOC), and Consolidated Afloat Network Enterprise System (CANES).
Imagine One T&E Professionals provide:
- Requirements management and analysis
- Full DT&E lifecycle testing: including Development, Integration, Verification, Validation, Interoperability, and Performance testing
- SOA testing methodologies
- End-to-End Systems Engineering
- Test Plans, Test Procedures, Test Scenarios, and Test Reports development
- Innovative tools for test data management and reporting